Good Morning Prayer 13

Dear God,

Thank you for your love and care.

We adore thee, O God

The night has been good, and here's another day of your providence

We adore thee, O God

Let us seek you in all the places

We adore thee, O God

Let us feel your presence in all the earth

We adore thee, O God

Let us know your love is above our sins

We adore thee, O God

We adore thee, O God

Because by your holy Cross

You have redeemed the world.

Bless us and all our intentions

Bless the Pope and the holy workers of the Lord

Bless our relatives and friends

And those who have entrusted us for prayers

Bless all oour lands

May our good deeds deserve your blessings

May this new day move us to serving you in our goals

Rest the soul of the dead

And let your angels guide us in our daily grind.

Lord, we adore and love you.


Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning, now and will be forever. Amen.

/Rosevoc. july 8, 2018
6:12 AM
