Tender Silence

Tender Silence

I can still smell your presence next to me.
How can I explain the look in your eyes?
How can I explain the hand movements,
The hush of breath in that midnight?
Your head leans, tilt on my chair
And I - opt for the window.
I am frightened of the flowing fire,
Sick of the rustle and dark mass that breaks,
Shaking from a promise
Who would want to hear the coldness of 
Hands that hold nothing?
I look at you, track of my memories rush
“It looks like a good road in your sleep.”
You – still - Unbroken  -
Your legs spread wide
Your bones fitting my thighs,
For a while, then for a  long time
I must remember I am a prayer
And you are my suplica,
You are my radiant dawn.
 Frames of our bodies hold close for warmth,
Soaked in the night wind
I touch you, I wake you up
To pee or breathe air -
You rise. Brush, our bodies,
Melt in each other’s back -
Swiftly relieved from the friction of life
As if we were both trained in a blaze
And flowing mountain lava.
Thoughts of a fire rock on ridges we have yet to pass
Raging old songs from my throat
I, scared as a kid clutch on your thigh
Chanting – Jesus mercy!
Your eyes are asking  ---
The kid in me in your guardianship
Soon we will arrive
And again, we  give thanks to God.
With all my heart
I could have kissed and make us one
Lean you on my chest, skin on skin
You, pure as dawn, tenderly
Make me cry.
I have no words to offer.

Rosevoc. january 2018
For x0lim
