Devotions to the Holy Spirit


First Devotion

L. Taught by our divine Savior, the Son of the Eternal Father, we firmly believe in Thy infinite Majesty, God Holy Spirit, and adore Thee with filial reverence in the incomprehensible mystery of the most Blessed Trinity.
A We adore Thy divine dispensations in the creations, redemptioin and sanctification of the human race.  Filled with love and gratitude, we praise and glorify Thee in union with all Thy angels. Amen.

Praises in Honor of the Holy Spirit

L.Be Thou blest, O Divine Spirit, one ture God with the Father and the Son.
A. Be Thou blest, O Holy Spirit, who is infinite love, dost process from the Father and from the Son from all eternity.
L. Be Thou blest, O Almighty Creator Spirit, in Thy divine power y which Thou has brought forth heaven and earth out of nothing.
A. Be Thou blest, O most lovable Spirit, in Thy marvelous beauty. Which the angels desire to behold.
L.Be Thou blest, O Eternal Love, in Thy wonderfu goodness through which Thou didst adorn heaven and earth so manificently.
A.  Be Thou blest, O eternal Fountainhead of grace, for the faithful love, by which Thou didst prepare the alvation of mankind throughout the Old Testament.

L.  Be Thous blest, O most amiable Spouse of souls, for the graces with which Thou didst make Mary Thine Immaculate Spouse and didst adorn her so richly.
A. Be Thou blest, O Holy Spirit, for the divine love, with which Thou didst create, guide, and glorify the sacred humanity of Jesus.
L. Be Thou blest,O Eternal fire of Love, for the sweet power with which Thou didst descend on the apostes in Sion.
A. Be Thou blest, O life-giving Spirit, for the wonderful love with which Thou dist take up Thine abode in our souls through Baptism.
L. Be Thou blest, O Divine Comforter, for us in the holy Sacrament of Confirmation.
A. Be Thou blest, O Father of fiar love, for the sweet bread of heaven which Thou hast given u s in the holy Sacramnt of the Altar.
L. Be Thou blest, O Spirit of mildness and mercy, for the abundant graces for thiwch Thou dost purify our souls in the Sacrament of Penance.
A. Be Thou blest, O Father of the poor and sick, for the healing anointments with which Thou dost refresh the body and soul of the sick in Extreme Unction.
L.Be Thou blest,  Divine Spirit, for the wonderful love with which Thou dost clothe with the fullness of divine power, poor mortals in Holy Orders.
A. Be Thou blest, O life-giing Spirit, for the graces through which Thou dost call and fit the married to a life of piety and holiness, in the Sacrament of Matrimony.
L. Be Thou blest, O Spirit of the Father, trough the eternal love with which the heavenly Father has loved Thee rom all eternity.
A. Be Thou bles, O Spirit of God, thhrough Thine infinite love, with which the Divine Word has love Thee from all eternity.
L. Be Thou blest, O Divine Spirit through the holy love with which Thou has loved Thnie own person from all eternity.
A. Be Thou blest, O merciful Dispenser of grace, through the boundless love with which the Heart of Jesus lves Thee unceasingly.
L. Be Thou blest, O Divine Spouse of souls, through the ndivided love with wihc Mar, Thine Immaculate Spouse, loves Thee unceasingly.
A. Be Thou blest, O King of the heavenly Jerusalem, throug the love which the Seraphim and all the angels love Thee unceasingly.
L. Be Thou blest, O King of glory, throug the love with whicha ll the saints of heaven, love Thee eternally.
A. Be Thou blest, O Father of love, through the love with which all the just on earth love Thee/
L. Glory be.

Spirit of Love, Thou art our Life and our Strength!  Thou hast enriched us with heavenly gifts and through sanctifying grace made us chiildren of the Father, members of Jesus Christ, nd temples of the Triune God.  Through Thee we are enlightened in darkness, strengthened in strife and sorrow, consoled in tribulations, and given that peace which the world cannot give.  But above all Thou hast given us Thyself as the pledge of eternal salvation.  What caan we render Thee for all Thou hast done unto us!

L. O Holy Spirit, Divine Spirit of light and love, I consecrate to Thee my understandiing, heart and will, my whole being for time and ternity.  May my understanding be always submissive to Thy heavenly inspirations and to the teachings of the Catholic Church, of which thou art the infallible guide.
A. May my heart be ever inflamed with lov of God and my neighbor; mya my will be ever conformed to the divine will; and may my whole life be a faithful imitation of the life and virtues of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father and Thee be honor and glory forever. Amen.
300 days indulgence

Act of Reparation
L. Holy Spirit, God of Eternal Love!  Thou art ever ready to impart Thy grces to all men.  But, benign Consoler, with what ngratitude is Thy boundless love repaid!  From the most of men Thou dost receiveingratitude, coldness, neglect, and contempt.  Ty graces are abused, Thy inspirations are rejected, Thy holy sacraments desecrated, and Thou the Highest Good, art abandoned for the pleasures of sin.
A. O Holy Spirit, with my whole heart I repent, that I, too, have been so ungrateful nd have offended Thee so frequently.
L. Prostrate before Thy Divine Majesty, I desire to render Thee solemn reparation for the desecration of Thy holy scraments.  In atonement for all the outrages committee against Thee, O Divine Spirit, I offer Thee the infnite sacrificce of Jesus upon the corss, which is daily renewed upon our altars.
A. With this sacrifice, I unite all the good works, which the Blessed Virgin, St. Joseph, and te saints have perfomed with the assistance of Thy holy grace.  O Spirit of Love, make me a holocaust to Thy divine love.  Amen.

Prayer for the Church
L. O Holy Spirit, Creator, be propitious to the Catholic Church; by Thy heavenly power make it strong and secure against the attacks of its enemies; renew in charity and grace the spirit of Thy servants, whom Thou has anoited, tht they may glorify Thee and the Father and His only-begottne Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

500 days indulgence

Prayer for the Propagation of Faith
A. O Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, come into our hearts; and shed the brightness of Thy light on all nations, that they may be one in fiath and pleasing to Thee.
L. Glory be.

300 days indulgence

A Treasury of Catholic Hymn and Prayers 1966
Posted by Rosevoc2. Nov. 2, 2017
