June 23, 2013. A Small Prayer

Dear Jesus,

What a beautiful morning!  Blessed be God forever!

We entrust to you today all our family and friends, and everyone -

We seek your love in the small miracles of our daily undertakings

We pray for our nation, for world peace and unity

We pray for enough food to nourish our health, especially the poor children

We pray for strong and healthy bodies to serve you more, and each other

Suffice us with your Holy Spirit and light of your words through your holy apostles

Let us work with confidence, but with humility

Deliver us from evil with you holy angels and saints, and through  your good workers

This we ask in  your Holy Name. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning, now and will be forever. Amen (3x)

