Entries In July On Write Me: Fire by RoseVoc2

Tuesday.  July 3

i am coming back after some thinking.  after some nerve wrenching, trying hard process of being useful.  after some rest.  after some play. after every taste of love which is only visible to my imagination. i am happy.  i am hurting.  i am hurting because it can't be real. touching can't be real because i am locked in the solemnity of my promises and the doors i have opened. is there any other way? i may have the choices...but then the faith of vows and love culled in the Cross of longing for salvation, into the making of new soldiers and workers of God.

no answers, but patterns of codes. unreal love affairs, "this is not a machine." it is like a machine.  it has no feelings.  they're merely words made up of science.  so this is progress.  so this is the 21st century.  it is simple, sophisticated and social. is there a heart in it? maybe.   the heart is where the cross is...that is the human part. if sometimes everything seems unbearable, boxed, and tight. if sometimes, you head on for something unclear and deep as the night; gasp for love call the angels and saints to the rescue! and then a slash of hope in daylight warms mist of yearning, in a yes of fire and miracle. rosevoc2.writeme
