St. Expeditus (From the Internet/Thank you for sharing.)

My Expeditus Saint of the just and urgent causes intercedes close to for me Ours Mr. Jesus Cristo, help me in this hour of affliction and despair. Intercede close to for me ours Mr. Jesus Cristo! My Expeditus Saint You that are a warring Saint, You that you are the Saint of the afflicted ones, You that you are the Saint of the desperate ones.
You that are the Saint of the urgent causes, Protect me, Help me, Give me you force, courage and serenity.
Assist to my request. To " do the request ".
My Expeditus Saint! Help me to overcome these difficult hours, protejei-me of everybody that can harm me, protect my family, assist to my request with urgency. Return me the peace and the peace. My Expeditus Saint! I will be thankful for the rest of my life and I will take its name the whole ones that have faith. A lot of thank you.
(To pray 1 Our Father, 1 Ave Maria and to Do the Sign of Cruz)
