
Prayer for a Culture of Life

God our Father, we thank you for the witness of Blessed John Paul, who proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ as the Gospel of life.  Teach us how to affirm life as your greatest gift.  Help us to recognize your presence in human life at every stage from conception until natural death.  Show us, especially through the life and writings of Blessed John Paul, how to witness to the value of every human being:  those yet to be born and those on the threshold of death; those who are healthy and those who struggle with illness or disability; those who are rich an those who lack most of the basic necessities; those who are victims of crime or injustice and those who have committed acts of darkness.  Guide us in taking up the challenge to create a culture of life and build a civilization of love.  Father, by the power of Blessed John Paul’s example and prayers, cause us to persevere in making of ourselves a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (Romans 2:1).  Amen.

St. Paul's Publication
