St. Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us! on September 28, 2018 catholic family martyr ofw prayers ROSEVOC Saints st lorenzo ruiz +
Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows on September 16, 2018 dolores quezon literature love Mama Mary national shrine of our lady of sorrows prayer to our lady of sorrows prayers roseprayers RoseVoc2 september 2018 sorrows trials triumph +
The Vocation Prayer Habit on September 13, 2018 literature prayers rogate rogationist fathers roseprayers ROSEVOC st hannibal the vocation prayer habit vocations +
Blessed Savina, pray for us! on September 13, 2018 blessed savina petrilli prayers relics rosalinda flores martinez september 2018 +
Our Lady of Penafrancia, pray for us! on September 13, 2018 Mama Mary naga city our lady of penafrancia philippines prayers ROSEVOC RoseVoc2 +
St. Padre Pio, pray for us! on September 10, 2018 God healter joy prayers ROSEVOC st padre pio stigmata writeme +
Prayer to Maria Bambinella on September 10, 2018 Jesus and Mama Mary prayer to maria bambinella prayers rosalinda flores martinez ROSEVOC st hannibal mary di francia +