Prayer Before A Crucifix on June 26, 2017 a treasury of catholic prayers father angelo mezzari rcj prayer before a crucifix ROSEVOC +
Ama Niamo (The Our Father) on June 26, 2017 alarkon family private chapel Ama Niamo bishop manolo de los santos of catanduanes capilla de san pedro caramoan Jesus Christ literature prayers ROSEVOC +
Offering of Holy Masses on June 26, 2017 a treasury of catholic hymns and prayers 1966 God heart life literature offering of holy masses prayers for the intentions of the holy father ROSEVOC RoseVoc2 writing +
Prayer To The Most Holy Trinity on June 26, 2017 a treasury of catholic hymns and prayers 1966 prayer to the most holy trinity prayers for the intentions of the holy father ROSEVOC +
Commit. Cross Your Heart And Hope To Die on June 26, 2017 commit cross your heart and hope to die father GOD fright God light literature poem prayers promises ROSEVOC RoseVoc2 +